Cultivating Spiritual Wellness in Children


"Cultivating Spiritual Wellness in Children" is an enlightening webinar designed for parents, educators, and caregivers eager to explore and enhance the spiritual development of the children in their care. Inspired by the groundbreaking insights of Lisa Miller's book, "The Spiritual Child," this session delves into the crucial role that spirituality plays in the overall well-being and healthy development of young minds.

Throughout this webinar, participants will be introduced to the core principles outlined in Miller's research, highlighting the importance of fostering a deep, meaningful connection to spirituality from an early age. We will discuss practical strategies and techniques to nurture a child's innate sense of wonder, connection, and purpose, drawing on the book's evidence-based approach to spiritual growth.

Key topics will include:

- Understanding the concept of spiritual wellness and its impact on children's mental, emotional, and physical health.

- Learning how to identify and support the natural spiritual moments and questions that arise in children's lives.

- Strategies for integrating spiritual practices into daily routines, enhancing resilience, compassion, and empathy in children.

- Navigating challenges and providing a supportive environment for spiritual exploration.

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